Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan 21 Fighting

What would happen if you walked away from a fight?
Would other people say you were weak?
Would you be ashamed?
Would you be a loser?
We worship strength and we worship winning. We admire those who never give up. But if we never, ever give up, that means we fight battles that take all our energy. We fight battles that we cannot possibly win. We fight battles over unimportant things.
Sometimes we fight battles not because they matter, but because of what other people will think, or because of what we will think of ourselves.
In this society, strength and winning are the highest value. But fighting has a cost.
The next time you are faced with a fight, ask yourself this question:
Is this fight really worth my time and energy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When my daughter entered high school she had trouble with some older girls who followed her home and tainted her by saying they could beat her up. Her response was to argue. I suggested she agree with them, tell the that yes, they were bigger and tougher. And I reminded her that she could believe differently if she wanted but the object was to diffuse the situation. It worked.