Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 11 Living Large

Many of us are living small lives.
We have reduced our expectations, reduced our aspirations.
We want to do things, do more, be more than we are, but we stay where we are.
Maybe it is because of fear, because of lack of time or money, or because we don’t want to take risks.
Sometimes it is inertia. We get settled into the rut we’re in and don’t want to move out of it.
Maybe family or friends don’t want us to live a larger life. It would make them uncomfortable; change would make them uneasy.
Meanwhile we have a vague sense of something missing, a sense of not being really at home, that is an obstacle to having peace.
What if we all dared to live big lives?
Today, ask yourself who you would be if you fulfilled all your potential.

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