Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27 Mediation

So, if this world is stuck in the shadow Warrior, how can we help move it along to something better?
One way would be for more of us to learn mediation skills. Mediation can be used as an alternative to fighting. Its goal is to create a win-win solution. The process requires each party to show respect for the other’s perspective, their view of the world, their need for validation without giving up their own perspective, view of the world, or need for validation. Each side wins on the points that they value most and concedes on the aspects that they find less urgent.
Mediation has notably been used in divorce, but that is only one application. It can be used in business, with labor problems or internal disagreements. Some communities are using mediation to solve problems, from small disputes to major feuds. Those who learn mediation find it a useful skill to address problems in their own lives and with their families.
Mediation programs and centers exist in many areas. Some religious groups train people in mediation skills. Other mediation centers are located at educational institutions or in communities.
Knowing mediation skills can be helpful for all of us in our everyday lives. In addition, many people serve as volunteer mediators who may be called upon for disputes between individuals or community groups. Paid mediators go through formal mediation training and receive certification. They may work with the courts or with attorneys.
Mediation is a valuable skill for a society that wishes to have more peace. Today, find out whether there is a resource in your community that teaches mediation skills.

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