Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jan 27 Laughter

Laughter is healing.
I have observed that people who are spiritually mature tend to have a marvelous sense of humor. I think it has something to do with the absence of fear, a perspective that life doesn't need to be tedious and grim, even when lousy things happen. It is probably true that anything really important should not be taken too seriously.
When we laugh we let go of what keeps us small, what keeps us bound up. This is not true of laughter at the expense of others – that kind of laughter is not healing for the soul. But we can laugh at our own situation. We can delight in the miracles that are all around us, at the surprises life can bring. If we can laugh at the craziness of the world it doesn’t have as much of a hold on us.
It is good to know how to play, but some adults don’t know how. They may know how to have fun, however, and that is almost as good.
Peace involves feeling good, and laughter makes us feel good.
Today, do something that makes you laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember in Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land' - where Valentine Michael Smith learns that laughter is the definition of being human? Without laughter we are less than the creator intended and even tragedy can yield humor if our hearts are open to all that exists.