Monday, January 28, 2008

Jan 28 Regrets

Sometimes we have regrets about events in the past. We may regret things we did or things we didn’t do, and those past events continue to bother us. We wish the past had been different.
But regrets can be an obstacle to peace. Living with regrets reflects a lack of forgiveness - difficulty forgiving ourselves or forgiving others.
If you have regrets that keep you tied to the past, think about what you can do to let it go. What could you do to have peace on this issue?
Today, write a letter to a person in your past. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, to let go of old events. You don’t have to mail the letter – if you prefer, you can tear it up and throw it away.
Then forgive yourself and the other person and let it go.

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