Monday, January 7, 2008

Jan 7 Peace on the Job

Many of us, maybe even most of us, are employed doing work that has no meaning to us.
It is so common that we don’t really think about it, except to make occasional jokes about the pointlessness of our jobs.
This takes a toll on our lives and affects our relationships and our ability to live in peace.
Many people holding such jobs will say that they have no choice. And perhaps this is true. But perhaps it is not true. Stories abound of people who left jobs they didn’t find satisfying and changed their lifestyles. If they make a lower salary at their new job, they have traded more money for the chance to love what they do all day or a chance to spend more time with their families, or simply to get away from the insanity, to slow down the pace of their lives.
Today, think about the answer to this question: If you are currently employed, do you find meaning in your job?

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