Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jan 23 Peace is Strength

Many believe that peace is weakness, but it is not.
Those who would live a life of peace must have strength:
strength to walk away from a pointless argument,
strength to walk away from small minds and unimportant issues,
strength to create their own arena of peace in an insane world.
It takes determination to find peace in a world that does not value peace, that values only winning and views other people only as competition.
When they are accused of being weak for choosing peace, it takes a strong person to simply smile and walk away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much of what society defines as strength is really aggression born of fear. Fear seems born of lack of self-love. Learning to love one's self, warts and all, is where I seek to find peace. It is a tough road in a world full of judgement.