Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11 The Hero's Journey

We start our life’s journey as an Innocent. For a time, our needs are taken care of and we live in paradise. For those with a happy childhood the Innocent journey continues, a time of being loved and appreciated.
This Innocent stage, however, is shorter than it was a generation or two ago. The harsher realities of the world intrude through television, music, and other influences. School may be a place of bullying and shaming. Schools often have a Winner Ladder as rigid as any we will ever face in our lives. Too soon, we encounter the Orphan and the journey begins.
Each stage of the journey has a gift of wisdom. The hero becomes skilled at handling the pitfalls along the way. Those who persist, facing their fears, coping with dragons and muddling through the dark woods, encounter a surprise. As they come out on the other side of the woods, they find themselves in paradise again.
It is paradise because it meets our needs. It might not be a paradise for someone else, but because we have taken the journey, we know ourselves and what we need. We can ask for what we want without fighting. We know who we are and we don’t bother trying to fit somewhere we don’t belong.
The Innocent finds peace as a result of going on the journey. Peace comes because we have nothing to fear. We know that to be loved the secret is to be loving. We no longer have anything to prove. We have turned the journey into wisdom, and when we know how to solve problems, they have no power over us.
However . . . .
The journey is not a straight line but a spiral. So the end of one journey is the beginning of the next. Eventually something happens, we are thrust onto a new journey, and we are on our way to greater wisdom.

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