Friday, March 28, 2008

March 28 Peace and the Senses

The sense of taste can help provide a feeling of comfort and peace.
We all have favorite tastes. Many of us crave chocolate, especially on a bad day; others find ice cream soothing.
Some foods remind us of memories. You may find that something your grandmother used to fix makes you feel better. Tastes we remember from our childhood bring back the feeling of simpler, happier, times.
Ideally, food makes us feel nurtured and cared for. “Comfort foods” are filling and help relieve anxiety. They nourish the soul as well as the body.
When we try to eat healthy, this sometimes means that we give up the foods that bring us joy. We may feel as if we are missing something.
What food or drink makes you feel at peace?
Today, treat yourself to a taste that makes you say, “aaah”.

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