Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7 The Hero's Journey

The Warrior archetype is an essential part of the spiritual journey. Our inner Warrior allows us to defend our boundaries, to fend off those who try to trample on us. Without the Warrior we are vulnerable, always in fear of threats from outside. Without it, we cannot live in peace.
Each archetype has its positive side and its shadow side. The shadow side of the Warrior is familiar to all of us. Warriors, originally the defenders of the weak, become bullies. They are obsessed with power, always looking for enemies, seeing everything as a competition.
According to Carol Pearson,the plot of the Warrior story is hero/villain/victim. This is the traditional format for a hero story. It makes for compelling drama, but when every story must fit into the same formula, it becomes tedious and confining.
The journey is a spiral rather than a straight path. It leads to the Warrior archetype more than once, each time at a higher level. The advanced Warrior knows how to fight, but prefers more elegant solutions to problems. The wise Warrior understands that ultimately we are all on the same side.

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