Friday, February 1, 2008

Feb 1 Obstacles to Peace

Why don’t we all have more peace in our lives now? Although we’re not all the same, there are some common hurdles. Perhaps some of these obstacles to peace are familiar to you:

I wouldn’t even know where to start.
It’s a little scary to do the things I would need to do.
I know what to do but I just never manage to get started.
My family gets in the way of having peace in my life.
My job makes it impossible.
I don’t have enough time.
It would be too expensive.
With everything I have to do now, I don’t have the energy for one more thing.
If I were a peaceful person I wouldn’t be successful in my job.
Not interested. I’m a fighter.
It’s not possible to live in peace in this world. It’s a pipe dream.
Too boring.

Today, think about how you would finish this sentence: I would have peace in my life if . . . . .

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