Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb 10 peace = money?

If we lived in a world that valued peace, who would be the highest paid?
The highest-paid people now are business warriors, entertainers, and sports warriors. If we valued peace more than we valued fighting, who would be paid the most?
Maybe creative people, or people who come into angry, hostile situations and help find peaceful solutions – mediators.
Here’s a thought – what about people who care for children?
Or musicians (“music hath charms to soothe the savage beast”).
Maybe some athletes would still be highly paid, those in sports that stress individual development, grace, and strength.
Those who develop new technology to grow food?
I think people who make us laugh would still be on the list.
Today, think about your answer to this question:
If we could decide who in our society is most highly paid, what would we choose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teachers, hands down, no contest. Healers (all kinds) next.