Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feb 20 Perspective

Do you ever feel like a rat in a maze, lost in the everydayness that most of us live in most of the time? It helps to look at our lives from a bird’s-eye perspective, to stand outside ourselves and get a better view.
When we stand outside our lives we can see where we are headed. We recognize when we are going in circles. We see whether we are traveling in the direction we really want to go.
There are many ways to get a new perspective. Some people can do it through meditation. Other people use a therapist or spiritual counselor to look at their lives from a new angle. Or a perceptive friend can help you see yourself in a different light.
Books are a time-honored way to see things from a new direction.
A vacation can help by taking us out of the routine so we can see more clearly.
You may want to find ways to get a new way to look at your life, to allow you to truly see where it is going and what your alternatives are.
Today, think about ways you could get a different perspective on your life.

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