Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb 29 You Can’t Be Serious!

You have noticed that this blog is titled “365 Ways to Live in Peace”. But this is a leap year, so it has 366 days. Since today is an extra day, I thought I would take a day off and let you, the readers, write the post. So I am announcing a contest.
Today’s topic is “Peace is Funny”. For too long we have thought peace was a serious issue, suitable only for boring speeches and sermons and dry academic papers. No wonder we haven’t solved the problem – who can stay awake for that stuff?
So I am inviting you to submit a joke or funny story about peace. The prize is eternal fame, or at least as much fame as you gain from having your story and your name posted on this blog.
There are only two rules, unless I make up some more rules later. First, this is a family blog. Keep it clean.
Second, no stories about how peace is difficult, how impossible it is to have peace on earth, etc.
Send your entries to
You can enter as many times as you want.
And yes, peace is funny.

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